What we spend and how we spend it
The Financial Statements include information on Endowments, Grants, Investment Income and Strategy.
The Financial Statements include information on Financial Highlights, Income, Expenditure, Balance Sheets, Cashflow and Current Asset Investments.
Independent Auditor's Report is available as part of the Financial Statements. Reports from previous years are available.
An overview of Major Initiatives is available in the Financial Statements
Lancaster University Estates Development including Our Estate Strategy.
Appendix 1 - Scheme of Delegation and Decision-Making Powers
Appendix 2 - Schedule of Financial Delegations
Appendix 3 - Raising Serious Concerns at Work: Whistleblowing
Appendix 4 - Research Grant Handbook
Appendix 5 - Procurement Procedures
Appendix 6 - Staff Expense Policy
Appendix 7 - Student Expense Policy
Appendix 8 - Income Collection Methods & Cash Handling Procedures
Appendix 6 - Staff Expense Policy
The Vice-Chancellor’s salary as a ratio of the median pay of staff is available in the Financial Statements. The Financial Statements pages also include the Remuneration Committee Annual Governance Statement.
Information on Pay including pay scales and other pay guidelines can be obtained from webpage.
The Financial Regulations state that a list of contracted suppliers can be found on the procurement website.
A list of contracted suppliers can be found on the procurement website.
Research Services can provide information and guidance relating to the University's research activities involving externally-funded research grants.
The Financial Statements contain information on research grants and contracts.